
Being an early adopter of ML in Customer Development has brought a lot of insights and learnings. Building on these insights we have now a better way of understanding our customers, our business and how we can make them work seamlessly together. 


  • Customer Objectives and personalization needs to be met with the business needs.
  • “One-size fits all” fits no-one. 
  • Breaking up the problem yields better conversations and quicker development.



Jeroen van Zeeland – Head of Analytics | Storebrand

I am the Head of Analytics for Norway’s largest private asset manager – Storebrand. I head up a team of 10 data scientists, engineers and analysts and aim at driving trust in, value creation through, and use of analytics in Storebrand.

In 2020 I was chosen as one of the top talents in technical leadership in Norway by E24!

I’m also a part-time PhD candidate at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. My research focusses on the interpretation of statistics and how it leads to belief-forming in humans and the implications for machine decision making?

May 27 @ 10:45
10:45 — 11:15 (30′)

Day 3 | 20th of May – Finance

Jeroen van Zeeland – Head of Analytics | Storebrand